Stonehearth multiplayer lag
Stonehearth multiplayer lag

stonehearth multiplayer lag

When game paused, the network drop (normal ), the GPU gain ~20% of activity and the game is much smoother. ~5-7Mbits/s seems to be a cap in bandwidth ? I think our hardware can support much better than that, maybe uploading more than 5Mbit/s will be a solution ? We didn’t try “32 bits” but read that it wont change anything. The GPU work more or less harder (15% min - 60% ultra), but the FPS are still the same (25-35 FPS). Tweaking the ingame graphic settings doesn’t seems to do anything on FPS or LAN. We play in multiplayer last AAA games or Battlefield without any performance issue on both PC so I don’t think it’s a hardware issue… ? Still we are above recommended requirement according to Some Technical Stuff – Stonehearth Game version on both PC : W10 64 bits, Stoneheath v1.1.0.r949 圆4 with ACE v0.9 - no mods ~30-50% CPU usage, 40% GPU usage, ~5-7Mbits/s download, 2GB RAM usage ~50-80% CPU usage, 40% GPU usage, ~5-7Mbits/s upload, 3GB RAM usage The little cloud in that shiny blue sky is the lagġGbit/s optic fiber bandwidth, LAN connection no wifi Well done ! And the game is so stable, no crash at all !

stonehearth multiplayer lag


More I play, more I enjoy it (70 hours now) and learn how to manage the engine and the IA, it’s really clever, funny and interesting. So I’m making this topic, with hope, to send my save files and, also, to say that I LOVE this game, guys you did an amazing work. So I read a lot about that on this forum to find a solution… and found some usefull ones (reduce number of heathling, reduce number of stuff on ground, reduce number of owned stuff, make ladders everywhere…) that reduce bad CPU performance but I’m still having a barely playable game because of huge network_send percentage (70-90%). Yes an other guy, with an other post about bad performance and lag.

Stonehearth multiplayer lag